Wednesday 19 December 2012

Check out my YouTube!

Hey everyone,

Check out my youtube channel for some sick League of Legends clips:

Like, Comment, and Subcribe to me there please!


Thursday 13 December 2012

Great Lane Synergy: Leona and Draven

Today I want to talk about my current favourite lane combination:  Leona and Draven.  The two champs are a great pick bot lane that can win bot vs most lane opponents and scale amazing into late game.  No support offers more peel than Leona, and Draven deals the most damage late game for any ad carry (except mabye vayne).  This combo punishes squishys early game and Leona can protect Draven late game to ensure he can stay alive.

If you're playing Leona i would recommend starting with the tasty elixer, one pink ward, and the remaining green wards.  Late game you'll want to have an early sightstone and upgraded aegis, follwed by zekes, and twin shadows or shurylia's (or an FH).

Good luck!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

My Thoughts on Nami

Nami has potential to be a great support.  She has similar abilities to Janna, who of course is an under played support with potential to be great.  Name is similar with her knock up, her heal, and a similar heavy utility ultimate.

This champion is definately one that will see some serious usage in competitive play!  I would recommend anyone who enjoys playin support go out and purchase this one immediatly!

Hello and Welcome to my Blog

Hello fellow summoners,

I am Cytosine, a 2k elo support in League of Legends.  I've decided to make this blog so that anybody can follow my journey to becoming a well known League of Legends player, as well as a place people can see my opinions on what is happening with the game!

So please follow this blog as i will be sure to update is as often as possible!

Thank you!